Monday, November 16, 2009


Vintage Candy Dish,$30; Upholstered Decorative Plate, $35

God is showing me that no matter how much I work and push for perfection creatively, professionally, that only those things that are in Christ are of value. Essentially that is everything we do but we like to set up modes of thinking that allow us to think we are the ones "working” when it is by grace that we are saved. See what I’m getting at…..That means all the mistakes too(for me it is typo's and paint blobs). Those “efforts” in life that are filled with God’s purpose and power are those that shine, shake, impress, & move. And with that truth recognized one begins to realize that letting go of the notion of “my effort” and allowing yourself to be “a vessel” by getting out of the way is the place of true power; true living. I think this is called-- humbled!!!! Those things we accomplish to provide ourselves with a sense of security in our own abilities are just our self made smoke-screens. It is the imperfect that is more revealing of the effort. Those places that fail where one can see a living God carrying the frailties of humanity, human effort. I think art and true genuine human communication (the kind where you look people in the eyes) are examples of where the seemingly imperfect becomes the canvas/clay that God paints molds his most vibrant and lovely successes.

How does this relate to furniture? Well, I CLAIM what is given away or labeled as having little or no value and render it valuable by seeing it in a different way. Maybe I add coat of paint and adorn what was discarded with love, vibrant color, patient hands working-- crafting. Come to the store--CLAIM it for yourself.

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